Monday 20 February 2017


Room 20 have robotics lessons each Monday with Mrs Taylor. We are currently learning how to use two different apps - kodable and scratchjr. 

Panther's Play

This week in Reading the Panther's learned a play. They had to work together to decide who would take each role and come up with actions and props. They all tried to use big voices and expression when reciting their words. Well done Panthers! 

Friday 10 February 2017


Room 20 had their first Robotics lesson with Mrs Taylor on Wednesday.
They learned how to give someone directions using code and then tested their skills using an app called kodable.
Each Monday this term we will learn more about robotics and coding!

Wednesday 1 February 2017


Welcome to Room 20's blog! 
This blog will be updated regularly with all of the fun things we get up to!